Friday, July 5, 2013

Our Daily Chores

It's Friday after a Thursday fourth, and we are both off work. Chores today included:
  • getting some extra sleep to make up for the Fourth of July festivities last night
  • posting some watch pictures on my watch website
  •  replacing the broken hood release cable on our Volvo (a very complicated job)

  • shopping for dinner
  • bicycling around in the park

When we got to Balboa Park, we discovered the parking plaza has been turned into a pedestrian plaza. We'd heard some talk that it might happen, but I thought we voted against it. We were astonished.

Our city government is an underhanded bunch of cronies who do what they want for their own benefit - probably like all local governments, worldwide - but they apparently have no interest in spending money to improve access for cyclists. Overall our road surfaces stink and there's nowhere to park a bike. However, this pedestrian plaza has a beautiful, newly-painted surface. [click to enlarge image]

Sitting near the Aerospace Museum, we got a little dose of Aero Space overhead.

Having completed our chores, we rode home.