But they are not always as closely spaced, or as low to the ground as I have seen today. Usually they are taking off OVER the house, so they are heading west. But when the wind shifts, they land over our house. Which means they are much lower.
Here are some examples I saw on my ride:
I was all set to get a really close shot of one plane, when my phone rang - and the camera disappeared (an unexpected hazard of multi-tasking devices).
I waited 2-3 minutes, and by golly, the airport had turned things around and now they are taking off the usual way.
Is it the upcoming 4th of July weekend that's resulted in this onslaught of aeronautical craft?
I've been working on catching these planes (period) and not thinking about focus or exposure. That means sometimes the photos work ...
and sometimes they don't.
I have to change gears now, and provide a few photos of jet in the palms (as opposed to the pines). Otherwise you might think I'm in an alpine forest somewhere, rather than a Mediterranean climate.
Well, here's proof of that near-tropical climate. I captured an aircraft and a hummingbird in flight, and a Cape Honeysuckle blossom, all at the same time.
I think I need to keep my mind on the bicycling, and stop looking up and taking pictures of planes. I'm bound to get run over, or burn out my eyeballs!