Sunday, June 30, 2013

Shed and Fed, Part II

( Continued from yesterday )

We managed to finish the shed last night. And as a result my arms are so tired I can barely get them up to the keyboard. But it looks like a proper little house, doesn't it? 

It's the Lifetime Shed 60001, if you are interested. And it's plenty  big enough for about 6 singles and a tandem or two. Luckily we only have 3 singles so there's room for my bike stand too, I think. When I get the strength to carry it down there ...

The only trouble is it's 15 steps down the staircase to get the bike, and 15 steps up with the bike to ride. Then repeat when the ride is over. But I'm doing this for exercise, right? Or am I?

BTW, the cat seems happy enough with his new food selections.

So I rode out among the tractors and looked at their aggressive attachments. What a great job it must be (in theory) to have a yard full of cool machinery that you can bolt onto backhoes and things ...

 In practice I am sure it's dirty, hard work.


Yes, today I saw two M Cs. (For readers who are new, I see more of these than can you can imagine).