Sometimes people ask me how this blog is created. Today I will reveal some of its secrets - so let's go:
- I go out to the bike shed and unlock the door(s).
- Look at the bikes.
- Feel the tires.
- Choose one with hard tires - if they are all soft, groan, grab the pump and inflate.
- Carry bike out.
- Lock the door.
- Carry bike up the stairs, then remember my helmet and bright vest and/or shoes.
- Prop up bike, go downstairs, open door, grab missing items, lock door, go back up.
- Hop on bike and ride away.
- Notice mal-adjusted derailleurs or brakes or rattly chain (make mental note to repair/adjust when home; then promptly forget that note)
- Ride up to top of street and decide which way to go (click to see more details about the choices).

- I ride around a bit, stopping to take pictures of interesting things, such as the world's smallest pavement roller lurking in the shadow of a big backhoe.
(this must be the mate of the tiny backhoe featured in previous blogs; see below)
I noticed a couple taking their two dogs for a morning walk - dad has Mr Pooch on a lease, mom was pushing a wheelchair with Mrs Pooch on the seat, propped up with cushions... is something wrong with our society?!
I was going to take a photo of the weather mirror, but it was so dirty that you couldn't see anything but streaks of dirt and dust. Time for a good rainstorm, I think. Or maybe I need to ride back over with some Windex. In any event, this view gives a clue to where the dirt on the mirror came from.
There's more new concrete in this alley than old - which means there was plenty of cutting and digging and dirt flying. All ending up on the glass. (here's a photo from back in the "clean old days")
And the mirror today after the Mrs. and I went back to clean it. Notice the great weather!
I poked my head over the fence and looked at a house remodel in progress. Oddly irregular lumber on this wall, wouldn't you say? Could the house have been built from scraps?
- Finally I stop nosing about and got down to riding (some time passes) and eventually I ride home.
- I go to my desktop computer. (I prefer using it for blogging compared to using Blogger's app on my iphone or ipad. The desktop interface allows more customization, links to other sites, editing images with more alacrity, etc.)
- I plug in my phone (or camera) and download images to iPhoto.
- I select and edit a few of the photos, and exporting them from iPhoto, I put them into a folder named for today.
- I log in as the owner of the blog, and go to the editing page.
- I start writing, I pull in pictures, I add interesting links to other pages or sites.
- Eventually I finish.
- I proof-read my text, check the alignment of my photos, and click Publish.
Then I completely forget the bike and get on with my life until tomorrow.