Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Come Home Alive

Many years ago, as a novice cyclist, I realized that people had different goals for their cycling time.

  • Try to avoid stopping if I possibly can (see goal below)
  • Don't take my foot out of the clips
  • Complete my route at a new personal best pace
  • Just get there
  • Pick up every recycle-able object I see
I decided to adopt a slogan for my own rides, and memorize it so I ALWAYS thought about it when I rode my bike. I am primarily using my bicycle for transportation and outdoor exposure, not exercise or picking up chicks at the beach, so my goal need not include either sweat or looking good. I decided on:

Come Home Alive or CHA CHA CHA

Does it sound boring? Melodramatic? I think not. Despite commuting for a decade, cycling cross-country and touring many thousands of miles, I have not had an accident. And I am still alive. It irks me when cyclists run stop signs, run stop lights, turn without signaling, shoot out of driveways and over sidewalks, etc. I get angry with those idiots. Sigh. Ok, sermon over.

Here's my scenic shot - the San Diego River, complete with ducks. Click on any image to enlarge!

The "I am indeed riding" photo. You see I am on the large chainring, so it must be level ground. This morning I realized that after my long layoff from riding that I have no "cycling-appropriate" clothing. So I went in shorts, long shirt and a yak-wool sweater. (When I ordered this sweater, which I read about in the Financial Times, I had invoice #00002. I've always been an "early adopter")

I should say another thing about my cycling style. Im not a Purist when it comes to technology. I have co-mingled brands of equipment on some bikes (heaven forbid). I don't use platform pedals or modern cleats. I like toe clips and civilian shoes. None of my bikes have index shifters, they have only 6-speed clusters in the back, and I actually have tape on my handlebars. Faded tape, as you can see. No bottle on short rides. No carrier bags. Spare tube and helmet - yes, they are part of the CHA mantra. No Lycra  (not so far).

I stopped in Old Town to shoot the breeze with my local watchmaker, and met another old geezer who was out on his "new for Christmas and birthday" bicycle. A classic touring bike, but brand new. It was nice. Low gears too - about a 25 inch low. I guess I'll have to cover gearing in a future blog post. I'll toss in an animation I made a couple years ago in my math blog. Blogs are easy to create but they are also hard. Tables and Animations take some work.

Coming home I rode past this old Ferrari, which I think qualifies for car spotting, even if it is in the alley and not along the sidewalk. Again, you can click to enlarge the photos.