Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cool quiet morning

Saturday morning is a good time to ride. If there are any people out, they are quiet and moving slowly. I saw a trio of walkers, two different pairs of dogs walking their owners, a lady weeding in her garden, another woman in a nightgown stumbling as she fetched her newspaper from the curb, and a few cats skulking about.
I stopped to examine this extraordinarily blue Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycle! Not the usual thing to see parked at the curb - and there aren't that many vehicles on the planet that can do 300 km/h.

As I swept silently along the neighborhood streets, I noticed a nice whirligig (check the definition) with 4 sailboats whirling around. Actually the inner two whirled and the outer two stayed still. They were spinning very quickly for nearly no wind at all.
I got home just in time to see my own groggy wife standing in the doorway in her nightgown, looking for me, the cat and/or the newspaper. I had forgotten my on the bike photo, so took a quick snap of the bike and myself, reflected in the fun-house-mirror flanks of the Volvo.
In case you are not familiar with the physics of bending light, here's a sample instruction sheet for setting up your own carnival mirror! (Go here to order one)
Time to hang up the bike and the blog and go in for toast and tea.