Saturday, March 9, 2013

Riding in Rain (not)

It has rained two days in a row. That's virtually monsoon weather in San Diego. Here's a graph showing the inches per hour rainfall for the week, from a station a few blocks from my home.
Apparently the measurable rainfall stopped shortly after midnight last night. But it was still spitting when I went out to the store this morning.

I haven't liked riding in the rain since we did a double-century (200-mile) ride. We rode into howling gales and thrashing gusts of rain. We were soaked. Our clothes were two sizes larger - stretched by the weight of the water. We were chilled. Depressed. Hungry.

So I don't mind driving my car while other guys catch the raindrops. These two guys had on bright shirts and rear flashing strobe lights. It's great that they're making the extra effort to Come Home Alive.
Fortunately, we in Southern California can wait an hour or two and be certain the sun will come out. I waited. It came. So I got my bike out and hit the concrete. As shown in my favorite safety mirror in the intersection of two alleys.
I've noticed certain vehicles are popular in our part of town. First-generation Mustangs are always in demand. Here's one that lives a few blocks away. There are a pair (one coupe, one convertible) about a mile in the other direction - maybe I will take a photo of them sometime.
Here is the obligatory photo proving that I was indeed on the bike. Like that gold-tone chain?
My wife has now gone out on her bike to catch a little sunshine too, and I am left home baking bread and writing the blog.