Monday, June 10, 2013

Bicycle Hoarding

Have you ever seen the show on television about people who have the hoarding gene? They collect things obsessively and can't get rid of stuff. These are not collectors, mind you, but HOARDERS. I saw a couple bike hoarders today.

No matter how many people are staying in these campers, there are far TOO MANY bikes in both cases for these to be normal tourists visiting San Diego. Not mentioning the careless way the bikes are stacked onto the rack and trailer.

I also spotted this van festooned with signs about supporting the Race Across America and rider Patrick Seely. Makes you wonder where Patrick was while his team car was at the store ...

Of course I rode too, not just stood around looking at piles of bikes on heaps of campers. Here's a look at the gorgeous weather out over toward the water.

I rode my Schwinn Paramount today, just for the fun of it. I'm happy to provide a few action shots taken during today's ride:

I think you can tell from the majority of my photos that I am right-handed. My left hand is the one that gets all the camera exposure (because the right hand is doing the camera shutter).


I saw five Mustang Convertibles today, but I only got one lousy shot.