Friday, August 2, 2013

A Short Test Ride

After changing the brakes on my tandem (see previous "Stopping For Awhile" post), we took the bike out for a short test ride. I always recommend this step when working on your bike or car. Never assume that your vehicle is ready for a "real" journey until you do a reduced-risk, close-to-home road test!

We also hoped to see what had been happening in the neighborhood while we were off gallivanting in the wilderness for a few weeks.

The brakes work fine. No squeal.

There are still Mustang Converibles around - and a nice matching Cadillac sedan with faux convertible roof.

Some expert outdoor huntsmen and women can identify animal tracks and tell you what has been lurking at night around the campground. I can identify these tracks, and tell you that a Bobcat has been doing circles in our alleyway!

And the sewer-replacement crew are still working busily and noisily around the neighborhood.

BTW - Today it's been 172 days since I started riding and writing. Since this is blog 110, I reckon that's  roughly 110 / 172 = 64% of the days since February that I have been on the bike.