Monday, August 12, 2013

Summer, Afternoon, Solo

Dinner time. My wife is traveling. I'm on my own tonight.

I'm not hungry yet, but it's time to start thinking about the meal..

No, it's time to take a ride and think about the meal, isn't it? So off I go. 

The sewer crews have moved out of the streets and into the alleys. Same noise, dust and debris, just a bit less inconvenience EXCEPT for those accustomed to parking in their garages. And bike riders, of course. 

So far they have not torn up my weather-mirror alley. You can see that it's dark and grey towards the water and partly cloudy looking (eastward) in the mirror. It's been a nice warm day anyway. 

I like to look at details as I ride and imagine their history and evolution. Here I see a double gate driveway into the back yard. Then a reinforcing diagonal piece on the gate. Then a step, with a water pipe safety handle. Finally some gray paint. It's not the slickest work but perhaps it represents the average homeowner's level of skill and effort. 

Likewise this paint job. Not perfect but certainly bright! Without sunglasses this is blinding. 

 I'll finish with a sad little car which apparently had dreams of bigger and better things ahead ... Dreams that are destined to remain unfulfilled. 

A Geo Metro Convertible with roll hoop and mis-matching wheels.